Node.js can be installed and run on Apple M1 with Rosseta2.

To get it running natively on M1, here are some notes to compile it from source:

  1. Build Nodejs with native Python 3.8 on Apple M1

Get 15.6.0 from github (Date: 2021-01-14):

curl -L -O
tar -xvf v15.6.0
cd node-15.6.0

Configure the node to build with arch arm64 on Apple’s M1:

./configure --dest-cpu=arm64

There is a bug in chrome V8 that is not yet included in latest Chrome V8 release (see, so you need to manually patch the fix here:

The file is under directory node-15.6.0/deps/v8/src/base/platform/

Save the edits. Then you can build and install it:

make -j 4
sudo make install
  1. Update file permissions

You will need to update the permission of ~/.node_repl_history, if you do sudo install. Just add write permission so there is no warning when you run node.