GeoDa 1.16 Released!
I am proud to release the GeoDa 1.16 with tons of new features.
Many bug fixes for 1.14 and
New features:
GIS features
Reprojection (specify projection when save)
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
Spatial Dissolve
Multi-Layer Support (Linked Multi-Layers, Automatic reprojection)
Spatial Assign/Spatial Count/ Spatial Join (multi-variables)
Heat map
Spatial Weights
Create weights from variables
Make (mutual) Symmetric weights
Local Spatial Autocorrelation
Median Local Moran
Univariate Quantile LISA
Multivariate Quantile LISA
Local Neighbor Match Test
Conditional Box plot
Distance Scatter plot with loess
Render numeric labels on map
Data transform: Standarize(MAD)/ Range Adjust/ Range Standardize
Dimension Reduction Methods
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) 2D/3D, SMACOF
Spatial weights from MDS scatter plot
t-SNE (animation)
Cluster Analysis
K Medoids (FastPAM, FastCLARA, FastCLARANS)
Spectral Clustering with large scale sparse eigenvalue solver (k-nn, mutual k-nn, gaussian)
DBScan & DBScan*
Hierarchical DBScan (with linking Condensed Tree graph)
Spatial Constrained Hierarchical Clustering (SCHC)
AZP (greedy, simulated annealing, tabu search)
Skater/Redcap with max-p-regions solver
- Russian