Build Nodejs on Apple M1 Silicon
Node.js can be installed and run on Apple M1 with Rosseta2.
To get it running natively on M1, here are some notes to compile it from source:
- Build Nodejs with native Python 3.8 on Apple M1
Get 15.6.0 from github (Date: 2021-01-14):
curl -L -O
tar -xvf v15.6.0
cd node-15.6.0
Configure the node to build with arch arm64 on Apple’s M1:
./configure --dest-cpu=arm64
There is a bug in chrome V8 that is not yet included in latest Chrome V8 release (see, so you need to manually patch the fix here:
The file is under directory node-15.6.0/deps/v8/src/base/platform/
Save the edits. Then you can build and install it:
make -j 4
sudo make install
- Update file permissions
You will need to update the permission of ~/.node_repl_history, if you do sudo install. Just add write permission so there is no warning when you run node.