rgeoda dev notes (1)

Couple of things for v0.0.5:

  1. Get it ready for CRAN

    1.1. random number generator: replace srand() and rand()

    1.2. using Rcpp instead of SWIG R wrappers (this might take a long time)

    1.3. update makefile

Rstudio notes:

The following dependencies are required:

  • BH
  • sp
  • sf
  • wkb
  • rmarkdown
  • knitr
  • roxygen2

Rcpp notes:

  1. To expose all functions in different Rcpp files

Create a R script file e.g. init.R. Add the following lines, e.g.

#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @useDynLib rgeoda

Then, add it in Collate in the file DESCRIPTION, e.g.


Roxygen2 will use it to automatically generate the NAMESPACE file using the content in init.R, e.g.:

# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

  1. The design of rgeoda and the bridge to C++ classes and functions in libgeoda

For example, wrapping the GeoDa C++ class for rgeoda

First, rcpp_geoda.cpp is created to expose GeoDa C++ class. Rcpp will auto-generate a file RcppExports.cpp and furthur provide C-style static interfaces, which can be called in R using another automatically generated file RcppExports.R.

Second, rgeoda.R is created to provide a R S4 class p_GeoDa to manually wrap the GeoDa C++ class, which is now available in RcppExports.R. NOTE: the constructors are complex to using ‘RcppModule’ to wrap the whole C++ class.

Last, at this stage, users can use rgeoda.R and p_GeoDa class directly. But, for a R-friendly purpose, I added another R S4 class geoda in file read_geoda.R to decorate the p_GeoDa class.

In summary, the logic of wrapping a C++ class can be described as:

rcpp_xxx.cpp  (expose GeoDa C++ class using Rcpp)
rxxx.R   (Wrap above C++ class  via RcppExports.R)
 (decorate).R (optional) (Wrap above R class for R-friendly purpose)

Check Warnings

  1. checking whether package ‘rgeoda’ can be installed … WARNING

  2. GNU extensions in Makefile

* checking for GNU extensions in Makefiles ... WARNING
Found the following file(s) containing GNU extensions:
Portable Makefiles do not use GNU extensions such as +=, :=, $(shell),
$(wildcard), ifeq ... endif, .NOTPARALLEL See section ‘Writing portable
packages’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.

Fix it by listing the source files instead.

* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
  function(x, row.names, optional, ...)

Fixed by using exact same parameters of as.data() function.

* checking compiled code ... NOTE
File ‘rgeoda/libs/rgeoda.so’:
  Found ‘_rand’, possibly from ‘rand’ (C)
    Objects: ‘./libgeoda_src/clustering/cluster.o’,
      ‘./libgeoda_src/clustering/mds.o’, ‘./libgeoda_src/GenUtils.o’
  Found ‘_srand’, possibly from ‘srand’ (C)
    Objects: ‘./libgeoda_src/clustering/cluster.o’,
      ‘./libgeoda_src/clustering/mds.o’, ‘./libgeoda_src/GenUtils.o’

Compiled code should not call entry points which might terminate R nor
write to stdout/stderr instead of to the console, nor use Fortran I/O
nor system RNGs.

Fixed by using xorshift+ rng.